Course curriculum

  • 1

    INTRODUCTION: Welcome!

    • Video: Are You Ready to Anxiety-Proof Your Mornings?

    • What You'll Get Out of This Course

  • 2

    MODULE 1: Why Routines Make You Anxious

    • Video: The Connection Between Routines and Anxiety

    • Lesson 1: Routines Can Trigger Perfectionism

    • Lesson 2: Just One More Thing To Do

    • Lesson 3: Analysis Paralysis

    • Lesson 4: How Routines Can Also REDUCE Anxiety

    • Homework: Identifying My Routine Anxiety Worksheet

  • 3

    MODULE 2: Your Routine Strengths & Weaknesses

    • Video: Boosting Your Strengths, Accommodating Your Weaknesses

    • Lesson 1: Identify Past Struggles

    • Lesson 2: Identify Past Successes

    • Lesson 3: Accommodations & Boosters

    • Lesson 4: Encouraging Affirmations

    • Homework: Routine Strengths & Weaknesses Worksheet and My Affirmations Worksheet

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    MODULE 3: What You Need From Your Morning Routine

    • Video: What Do You Need?

    • Lesson 1: 10 Terrible Reasons to Start a Morning Routine

    • Lesson 2: 10 Great Reasons to Start a Morning Routine

    • Lesson 3: Identify Your Needs

    • Homework: Why Do I Need a Morning Routine Worksheet and Morning Routine Needs Worksheet

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    MODULE 4: Plan Your Morning Routine

    • Video: Let's Plan Together!

    • Lesson 1: Planning Pitfalls

    • Lesson 2: Flexibility vs. Structure

    • Lesson 3: Brainstorm Ways to Meet Your Needs

    • Lesson 4: Time to Prioritize

    • Lesson 5: Nighttime Prep

    • Lesson 6: Your Morning Routine

    • Homework: Morning Routine Needs Brainstorm Worksheet, Morning Routine Priorities Worksheet, and My Morning Routine Worksheet

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    MODULE 5: Reflect on the Benefits of Your Morning Routine

    • Video: Taking Time to Reflect

    • Lesson 1: Defining Success

    • Lesson 2: Celebrating Your Wins

    • Lesson 3: Learning from Your Struggles

    • Lesson 4: Making Adjustments

    • Homework: Morning Routine Reflection Worksheet and Revised Morning Routine Worksheet

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    CONCLUSION: Congratulations!

    • Video: Congrats! You Did It!

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    BONUS: Guided Meditations

    • Meditation for Energy

    • Meditation for Calm

    • Meditation for Joy

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    • Finding the Courage to Try FREE 5-Day Email Challenge

    • Neurodivergent Magic Podcast

    • Neurodivergent Magic YouTube Channel